Selected Works
Backstreet Boys vs. *NSYNC (Pop Pantheon)
Mariah Carey Part 2 (Pop Pantheon)
1959 in movies (A Very Good Year)
‘Boyz ’N the Hood’ (Blank Check)
‘Love Is Blind’ contestants are breaking up over politics (NPR)
In 2024, TV and film grappled with death. The result was comforting (NPR)
‘Hollywood Shuffle’: Against type (Criterion Collection)
A brief guide to 21st century blackface (The New York Times)
The cultural canon is better than ever (The New York Times)
Longform Audio & Essays
The New Black Film Canon (Slate + NPR)
Screening Ourselves: ‘The Godfather’ and the limits of representation (NPR)
Screening Ourselves: Revisiting the ‘Color Purple’ wars (NPR)
At Dolly Parton's Civil War-themed dinner theater, there's violence on many sides (Slate)
The making of an American Girl (Slate)
Interviews and Profiles
The Exonerated Five: ‘We were just baby boys’ (The New York Times)
Jerrod Carmichael is ready to get personal (to a degree) (The New York Times)
Better days for ‘Better Things’ with the women in charge (The New York Times)
Kerry Washington has something to fear (The New York Times)
Greta Gerwig on ‘Lady Bird’ (Slate)
Video Essays